
Kikandria and Futiha

Kikandria and Futiha

Saprudin Padlil Syah, S.Pd.I is author of Mengindonesiakan Anak Indonesia: Catatan Guru Indoesia di Pedalaman Sabah, Malaysia.

He was born in Sukabumi on november 05, 1984. He is the first of Mr. Aep Saepulloh and Mrs. Eah Subaehah’s five sons. He is married to Lilis, S.Psi.I on Desember 25, 2009. And on May 29, 2014 he becomes father for a beautifull girl, Kikandria Zeest Padlilsyah.

He graduated from Ciseupan Girang elementary school in 1996. He graduated from Darussalaam secondary islamic school in 1999. Graduated from Tanwiriyyah senior islsmic high school in 2002. As long as six years while studied in Darussalaam and Tanwiriyyah school, he studied islamic thoughts in ‘pesantren Darussalaam and Tanwiriyyah’. And he continued studying arabic in Arabic Department of Faculty of  Education of The State Islamic University, Bandung.

After being graduated from university in 2006, he became writer of understanding quran with ‘shorf’ approach in 2006. From 2007-2009, he became arabic and islamic studies teacher in Da’i An-nur Islamic Boarding School, Indramayu. From 2009-2010, he became teacher in YPPSB, Sangata- East Kalimantan. 2010, he was back to Bandung. So many experiences in that year which won’t be explained here. From 2011 till now, he becomes educator for Indonesian Migrant Workers’ Children in Sabah-Malaysia.

Beside teaching he like writing and sport. The sport he like mostly is chess, pingpong, football and badminton. His articels can be read on,,,, and The topics he write are about religion, culture, education, language, parenting, and other issues both national and global.

From all activities he has now, taking care Kikandria and Futiha is the most interesting one for him.

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